Take Cover for Safety, or Take Turmeric

At Fusionary Formulas, we pride ourselves on sourcing some of the world’s best Turmeric for our potent and effective supplements. The reason for this?
Destroying inflammation before it does real damage to your body.
Recently, Dr. Gary Kaplan, founder of the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine, touted inflammation as being a major contributor to such diseases and illnesses as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and even cancer.
Sounds terrible, right? But did you know you’re likely a victim of inflammation at this very moment?
By this point in your life, inflammation has already (sneakily) made its way into your body through:
- Consuming trans-fats.
- Consuming artificial sweeteners, processed foods or sugar in all forms.
- High-carbohydrate diets.
- Menopause.
- Environmental factors such as pesticides, pollution, and heavy metals.
And the sad part is – most of the above is unavoidable in our day-to-day lives. Even worse? Most of us are unaware of the damage that inflammation is causing until chronic illness hits, and for some, it may be too late.
You can either take cover from the outside world, or simply take a supplement with the best Turmeric in the world.
Sorry if I’ve scared you – but how else will you understand the benefits of taking Turmeric on a daily basis? It’s the number one way to stay proactive with your health care – as its benefits could fill up your entire inbox and then some.
Our long line of Fusionary Formulas supplements contain Curcumin (the magical component of Turmeric). So how can you best grab a hold of its life-altering (and possibly life-saving effects)?
Be sure to add our Turmeric Gold to your morning wellness routine.